The steam turbine is a rotating machine that converts the potential energy of the steam into kinetic energy and further into mechanical energy. The operating principle of steam turbines is completely different from that of reciprocating machines. The difference consist in the way the steam works in the turbine, as well as the way mechanical energy is obtained at the power flange of these machines.
Since their first appearance in the 19th century, steam turbines have spread widely through industry and in terms of design and construction, they have continuously improved.
Our company can perform a series of repair and assembly works on steam turbines, as follows:
A. Assembly of steam/gas turbines and ancillary installations - starting with the assembly of the parts embedded in the foundation
B. Rehabilitation of thermal power units - pure condensing turbines, turbines with controlled extractions, double flow condensing turbine, back pressure turbine.
C. Overhauls and major repairs to steam turbines:
- On site functional tests and measurements to determine the operating characteristics on entry into service.
- Complete opening of the turbine, generator and exciter, diagnosis and verifications.
- Repair of turbine and generator control and protection system.
- Repair of regulating valves (CVs), quick-closing valves (MSVs), turbine flaps.
- Checking and correcting deformations of turbine stator elements (casings, diaphragms, nozzle boxes)
- Repair of turbine rotors, including total or partial re-blading, replacement or correction of couplings, replacement of rotor labyrinths, machining of surfaces
- Repair of nozzles mounted in turbine diaphragms.
- Re-Babbit, casting and final machining of axial and radial bearings.
- Shaft alignment check and alignment correction.
- Checking and reworking of turbine, generator and exciter bearings.
- Repairs to auxiliary systems.
D.Assembly and repair of turbine driven compressors and auxiliary systems
E.Assembly and repair of electric feed-water pumps, air fans and gas fans for steam boilers
F. Assembly and repair of condensers, turbo-blowers, heat exchangers
ELECTRO-SERVICE RB has implemented integrated management system quality-environment-occupational health and safety, being certified by Royal Cert International Registrars GmbH, according to the following standards: ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 si ISO 45001:2018.